Wednesday 15 June 2011

Bridesmaids (out 24th June)

Bridesmaids has been touted as "the female Hangover", which I think is quite a lazy comparison. As much I enjoyed The Hangover, the only real solid link between the two is a wedding (in which case you could say "Oh, Bridesmaids is like an all-female Eastenders/Pride and Prejudice/Harry Potter Deathly Hallows/anything ever made with a wedding"). Rather than an invigorating 2 day romp around Vegas, this is more of a (rather hilarious) take on how the dynamics of a friendship can be affected by the stresses of an engagement, job loss and general grown up rubbish. Thrown in a seemingly perfect and beautiful (but actually an idea-stealing BITCH) new pal competing to be "best friend" and it's like, total OMG lolzzz.

Annie (Kristen Wigg, who has been a personal favourite of mine since playing dog obsessive Brahbrah in Flight of the Conchords) is having a crappy time, since her cake business failed, her boyfriend left and she's sharing an apartment with two chubby and weird English siblings (Matt Lucas and a girl who looks a LOT like Matt Lucas in a wig, but isn't, she is actually a real girl). But she was able to face it all with their help of her best friend Lillian. Until that bloody Lillian only goes and gets engaged. So Annie is left trying to sort out her life whilst organising dress fittings, hen parties and bridal showers. This would normally be the kind of film I hate, but it's dealt with such cheeky and awkward humour that I laughed lots.

There is a brief mention of writing in a journal, but instead of pouring her heart out into some pretentious diary entries like a moon-faced pretend Brit, Annie takes her frustrations out through such activities as rolling around on the floor smashing up a giant cookie (it'll make sense when you see the film). The characterisation is so well developed, I even found myself developing a crush on tiny eyed Roy from the IT Crowd (Chris O'Dowd, who plays a dweeby policeman). Melissa McCarthy as brash manly Megan is AWESOME, and there is even a basket of puppies wearing berets and, later, tuxedos. This film is GREAT.

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